Starting a Land Surveying Business
There is an awful lot of non-surveying that goes on in the process of starting up a Land Surveying business. I am proud of my Land Survey skills and expertise, but it turns out that doesn’t factor in very much when you are struggling with website management and design. I spent 5 minutes trying to get this blog post to be dated with today’s date (8/31/23). I am, as of yet, unsuccessful. If you read this and it’s dated correctly you’ll know I spent another frustrating few minutes on it.
Land Surveyors are known for being a bit anti-social, and I am not so different (I have no social media, despite being a millennial). However, to help my website let potential customers know I am out here ready to help them, I need to have a blog, facebook, instagram, and who knows what else. I need a presence on the internet. So that’s how this is all starting out. If you are reading this, thank you! Website traffic is currently sorely needed. I hope what I have to say doesn’t go too quietly into the void.
I plan to use this blog to self-promote (obviously), but also to talk about the Surveying Industry, History, Design, and whatever else I think is important in relation to the survey world. Please stay tuned and let me know you are listening!
Looking forward to doing some mapping for you soon!