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Finding Time

I am sure everyone thinks this at one point or another: “Where do all these people find the time to do as much as there is to do?”

I think that a lot. Especially as I try to find time to write blog posts that I am reasonably certain no one will be reading (except you, loyal reader living within the void this is being dumped into). I am running out of time as I type tonight. I bailed on one long post explaining why surveys cost what they cost (I plan to continue it later) because I could not find the time to really do as good of a job as is needed to fully clarify the issue in a way that is understandable and correct. Even though no one is reading, I still want to do good work. Yesterday’s blog post is bugging me because it was so scantly edited and there is much much more that needs to be said on that topic. So I switched to this post: a rant on time and time management.

I frequently receive ads for time management software or something of that ilk. I do not need that, as I already have set up something for myself that will hopefully, eventually, grow into a robust system like one I set up and implemented at a previous company. Let me know if you are curious about that system and I will fill you in (because I am sure someone will maybe read this eventually). What time management software cannot do for me, is find a way to reduce delay that happens outside of the system. I can’t time manage very well for waiting on hold during customer service calls, nor can I predict how many times the sheep I put out in the morning will escape on any given day. Writing it down, I feel I need to detach myself from distraction, but I wonder how those surrounded by distractions still seem to take on so much more.

In the end, I hope it is a matter of perspective. What we do throughout the day that remains visible to others is what others see. I have no idea how much time is wasted by, or how far behind on projects some of these people I see “doing it all” are. I only see what is put out there. This is one of the reasons I am pushing to write a blog post daily: to trick you into realizing how productive I am. Not really. Mostly, I do this for SEO purposes. I have failed at that spectacularly tonight. I haven’t even really used words or phrases that people search for that I want to create “hits” or “clicks” or whatever. Words and phrases like: Surveyor near me, NorCal Surveys, Northern California Land Surveyor, Bay Area Survey, Sacramento Survey, and Survey Consultations. That was a cheap way to get there. I don’t regret it. This blog is lucky it is not just a constant stream of clickable phrases like “get a survey fast” and “reputable land survey”. Dang I am at it again. If you are here because of my poor attempt at trickery, let me just say: You are likely first human to ever read this. Congrats and goodnight.